The founder and managing partner of Kaizen Consulting, José Roca, emphasized at the Forinvest Forum the need for SMEs to embrace new financing methods: «The scenario has completely changed: out of more than 60 Spanish financial institutions, only ten remain, and the consolidation process is not over. Ratings are worse than before the pandemic, ICO lines end in July, we are experiencing inflation, uncertainty in the evolution of raw materials, and rising costs… This necessitates action. Companies must make financial decisions and open up to new formulas because the traditional ones are no longer sufficient. They must explore the many options available in both traditional and alternative banking markets.»
In the roundtable held within Forinvest on different financing models, José Roca detailed the challenges faced by SMEs and the many options available to them for securing liquidity and advancing their business plans. «They have a financial challenge and need to seek advice to find tailored solutions. At Kaizen Consulting, we work with more than 180 financiers: there is a whole universe of options that SMEs cannot possibly master. They need guidance to know which door to knock on and how to do it. Many companies operate excellently but have not properly documented their business plan: helping them with this facilitates their access to the liquidity needed to carry out their projects.»
The managing partner of Kaizen Consulting explained at the roundtable held at Feria Valencia the crucial importance of obtaining liquidity at this time: «There are innovative financing methods, such as selling any machine or asset of a company to generate liquidity. Leaseback or rentback offer this possibility and even allow incorporating inventory as collateral.» Regarding the number of financiers, he highlights that «the range of financiers is also becoming fragmented, increasing the options available to small and medium-sized enterprises. The possibility of going public has now expanded and is not just an alternative for large companies, as well as the issuance of bonds and promissory notes.»
The roundtable dedicated to different financing models in a changing environment also focused on the success and growth of Nunsys, a Valencian technology company. Its CEO, Francisco Gavilán, participated in the meeting, alongside Manuel Illueca, director of the Valencian Institute of Finance; Alberto Sánchez, CEO of Inbonis Rating; and Pablo Simón, partner of the Debt & Restructuring Area at BDO Spain. The roundtable was moderated by Francisco Duato from the College of Economists of Valencia.
At the round table held at Feria Valencia, the managing partner of Kaizen Consulting explained the key importance of obtaining liquidity at this time: «There are new ways of financing, such as selling equipment or assets of a company to generate liquidity. Leaseback or rentback offers this possibility and even allows to incorporate stocks as collateral.» In terms of the number of financiers, he stresses that «the range of financiers is becoming more fragmented and there is an increase in the options available to small and medium-sized businesses. The option of going public has now expanded and is not only an alternative for large companies, much like the issuance of bonds and promissory notes.»
The round table dedicated to the different financing models in a changing environment also focused on the success and growth case of Nunsys, a Valencian technology company. The CEO Francisco Gavilán participated in the meeting, together with the Director of the Valencian Institute of Finance Manuel Illueca, CEO of Inbonis Rating Alberto Sánchez, and partner of Debt & Restructuring at BDO Spain Pablo Simón. The round table was moderated by Francisco Duato from the Valencia College of Economists.