Our opinion in the newspaper Las Provincias on the need for company finance

The newspaper Las Provincias has published in its 12 December edition a financial news article with the contribution of Kaizen Consulting. With the headline «Companies in search of financing to face the risk of non-payment.» The newspaper analyses the problems wich companies are currently experiencing in accessing the credit they need and includes statements by José Roca, founding partner of Kaizen Consulting, who stresses that «companies are having to face a very complex crisis since the pandemic. They need support and therefore increasingly seek professional advice to fulfil the financing requirements of the business.»

From this link, you can access the online version of the full article, in which José Roca explains that financing no longer comes just from traditional banks, but is opening up to new solutions and alternative financiers: «after the pandemic, companies are more indebted, they have seen their margins reduced and interest rates have increased, so they will have to pay more than they thought to repay their debt. On top of all this, we have rising energy prices and inflation. Against this backdrop, it must be understood that doing the same old things doesn’t guarantee the same results, and changes must be made,» which require professional advice such as that provided by Kaizen Consulting to access a wide range of options for obtaining liquidity.

The article highlights that Kaizen Consulting «has managed to secure 120 million in financing for 70 companies so far this year, which is double the figures of 2021.» José Roca stresses the vital importance of liquidity for SMEs: «I believe that an increasing number of entrepreneurs are forced to refinance their debt using various options in addition to traditional banking. This is how we face the current issues,» of which he highlights the difficulties in repaying ICO credits.

The founder and managing partner of Kaizen Consulting also explains to Las Provincias the variety of alternative financing options available. These include «rentback operations where the company monetises the assets it has on its balance sheet, without going into debt at all or other interesting options like financing imports in any currency, making guarantees worldwide without them being included in CIRBE (Central Credit Register) and without having to pledge as security.» It also opens the doors to a large number of funders specialising in booming economic areas such as sustainability or renewable energy.

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